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Expert Support: Revolutionizing Birth & Breastfeeding Outcomes | Birthify Results vs. National Averages

Title: Expert Support: Transforming Birth and Breastfeeding Outcomes


The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is a momentous experience, but it can also be fraught with unnecessary interventions and an increased likelihood of C-sections. While valuable research underscores the importance of personalized support and education during pregnancy, it’s crucial to address the potential risks of medical interventions. In this blog post, we will delve into two significant studies shedding light on the impact of support and coaching on maternal and infant outcomes, focusing on reducing unnecessary interventions and C-section rates and improved breastfeeding outcomes. We will also explore how Birthify’s coaching services are paving the way towards safer and more empowered birthing experiences.

Study 1: Expert Support and Improved Breastfeeding

A study published in the National Library of Medicine revealed that expectant mothers matched with experienced experts were 10 times more likely to initiate breastfeeding. Expert support plays a vital role in helping mothers navigate the complexities of breastfeeding, ensuring a successful start to their breastfeeding journey.

Study 2: Expert Support and Better Birth Outcomes

Another study from the National Library of Medicine focused on the impact of support and education during pregnancy and childbirth. The results showed that expectant mothers who received comprehensive support and education had fewer complications during childbirth, particularly those carrying twins or higher-order multiples. This highlights how expert guidance during pregnancy can lead to safer and more positive birth experiences.

Birthify’s Beta Testing Results

Birthify, a revolutionary platform offering expert support to expectant mothers, conducted beta testing with remarkable results. The testing showcased a 5% C-section rate, 5% induction rate, and an impressive 100% breastfeeding rate at 3 months.

Comparison to National Averages

When comparing these results to the US national averages, we can see the transformative power of expert support. The national averages include a concerning 31.2% C-section rate, more than 31% induction rate, and only 20% of mothers breastfeeding at 3 months. Birthify’s beta testing demonstrates how personalized care and evidence-based guidance significantly reduce unnecessary interventions and empower mothers to establish successful breastfeeding journeys.

By minimizing unnecessary interventions and fostering a supportive environment, Birthify ensures that mothers have the opportunity to embrace the beauty of childbirth while safeguarding the health and well-being of both themselves and their infants.