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Breastfeeding, arguably the hardest thing you’ll do, why you’ll need help

When achieved with ease, breastfeeding can be one of the most rewarding bonding experiences between a baby and parent. Still, it does not come easily to everyone and we would even dare to say most, which is perfectly okay.  Perinatal Coaches who understand breastfeeding can be tremendously helpful during those early days.

Benefits of Perinatal Coaches with Lactation Experience are trained to work with breastfeeding parents facing the following challenges:

  • Evaluating and increasing milk supply 
  • Pain management while breastfeeding 
  • Comfortable and productive nursing positions 
  • Comfort when breastfeeding post c-section 
  • Addressing nipple refusal 
  • Emotional responses due to breastfeeding 
  • Breastfeeding a premature baby
  • Identifying concerns needing referrals for community resources such as tongue tie evaluation or oral restrictions

Does my pediatrician know about breastfeeding? 

Unfortunately, no. Though some pediatricians take it upon themselves to learn about lactation, very little is covered in their training. A 2004 survey of 875 United States pediatricians found that 33% of respondents had no breastfeeding education during medical school or residency; 12% of responding pediatricians had never read an article about breastfeeding management; and 21% of respondents had no interest in gaining further knowledge about breastfeeding. One way to be your own best advocate is to ask point-blank if they have adequate lactation training. 

When is it time to start thinking about lactation support? 

When it comes to lactation, prenatal and postnatal coaching can be considered “preventive healthcare,” meaning you do not need to wait until something is wrong to seek support. It is not at all uncommon for new parents to get caught up in the cribs, bibs, and diapers and believe things like breastfeeding will just “fall into place.” The good news is if you work with a Birthify Coach throughout your pregnancy, they will be able to support you through your entire pregnancy, delivery, and early infancy including but not limited to lactation support. 

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

You can find hundreds of articles on the benefits of breastfeeding. The research backing up how amazing it is for both the parent and the baby grows every year! Breastmilk boosts the baby’s immune system, balances gut bacteria, contains unmatched nutritional value, and is highly digestible. Often, people get discouraged early on when they cannot successfully breastfeed and resort to formula soon after giving birth. We believe that you must do what is suitable for your body, but you would be amazed at what you can achieve with a professional helping you achieve your goals.

Related Article: Benefits of Breastfeeding 

Final Thoughts

The truth is you can take a class, read an article, or ask one of your friends for advice on breastfeeding. And you should! The more you know, the better you will feel. However, do consider the value of having someone by your side who knows the ins and outs of the breastfeeding experience. A Birthify Coach is someone who knows you as early as late pregnancy and with whom you have been matched based on your needs. Visit our home page to learn more!